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Sample Test FMUs for upcoming FMI 3.0 Standard
The next major release of the Functional Mock-up Interface is drawing near its release. As part of the PMSF contribution to the FMI project, as well as in aid to the prostep ivip SmartSE project contributions, a set of example test FMUs have been created to aid in development and testing of implementations against the new standard release.
Note that the provided FMUs are non-normative, and that it is not unlikely that they will at various points in time contain bugs and errors vis-a-vis the current draft of the specification. They should be viewed as a starting point for discussions on FMI 3.0, not as any sort of validation suite.
The FMUs are made available under the MPL 2.0, see LICENSE.txt. Any feedback or contribution under this license is highly welcome.
The current release can be accessed from the project's page at GitHub:
Note that further test FMUs are avaliable from the MAP FMI Reference FMUs project repository, which provides test FMUs for FMI 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.