News Category OpenSCENARIO

Announcements and informational posts

OpenSCENARIO 2.0 Public Release Candidate

ASAM e.V. has released a public release candidate of the upcoming OpenSCENARIO 2.0 standard.

This release candidate provides a great basis for review and feedback on the language prior to the final release.

As one of the founding members and language sub-lead of the OpenSCENARIO 2.0 project, we will support this release with further resources for getting acquainted with the language. This includes a draft Python framework for parsing of OpenSCENARIO 2.0 files, named py-osc2.

First Release of ASAM OpenX Standards

After only one year of intensive project work since taking over the further standardization activities of the OpenX standards, ASAM e.V. has now released OpenDRIVE V1.6.0 and OpenSCENARIO V1.0.0. The newly released versions offer significant improvements over their predecessor versions, and demonstrate the succesful transition of the OpenX standards to the ASAM organization.

As participants in the transfer of these standards to ASAM e.V. as well as ongoing participation in those ASAM projects, PMSF IT Consulting is very happy with the global industry-wide interest in these standards and the succesful completion of the first standardization projects.

ASAM OpenSCENARIO, OpenDRIVE and OpenCRG Proposal Workshops

As part of the process of ASAM e.V. taking over the further standardization activities of OpenDRIVE, OpenCRG and OpenSCENARIO, the initial project proposal workshops for OpenDRIVE/OpenCRG and OpenSCENARIO were held at ASAM headquarters in Höhenkirchen, Germany from 2019-01-15 to 2019-01-18.

As participants in the transfer of these standards to ASAM e.V., PMSF IT Consulting is very happy with the global industry-wide interest in these workshops and the standardization projects that are being set up.

We feel that the increased standardization of innovative approaches in these areas is likely to yield industry-wide benefits in the development of autonomous vehicles and their validation.