News Category OSI

Announcements and informational posts

OSI Release 3.7.0

ASAM e.V. has released version 3.7.0 (Jolly Jones) of the Open Simulation Interface standard. This is the fifth full release of Open Simulation Interface under the ASAM umbrella.

The release features numerous backward-compatible extensions, including more detailed space modeling of objects via sub-bounding boxes, explicit speed limit information for logical lanes, the transmission of routing information for in-vehicle communication, the modeling of virtual detection areas for sensor visualization and validation, and system time recording for sources of sensor data. It includes many other enhancements and alignments across OpenX standards.

The release can be downloaded from the OSI GitHub pages.

OSI Release 3.6.0

ASAM e.V. has released version 3.6.0 (Inspiring Irvine) of the Open Simulation Interface standard. This is the fourth full release of Open Simulation Interface under the ASAM umbrella.

The release features numerous backward-compatible extensions, including a new streaming update interface, and HAD function output interface, as well as detailed pedestrian skeleton information, host vehicle kinematics, and enhanced sensor detection data. It includes many other enhancements and alignments across OpenX standards.

The release can be downloaded from the OSI GitHub pages.

SETLevel Final Event

The federally supported German research project SETLevel has presented its core results during the SETLevel Final Event held at the BMW engineering center in Munich, Germany.

As a sub-contractor for some of the SETLevel participating companies, with a special focus on definition and standardization of simulation interfaces, like OSI or OSMP, we were happy to present an overview on industrial standards for the development of automated driving in the second session of the event.

Video Capture of Industrial Standards Talk

OSI Release 3.5.0

ASAM e.V. has released version 3.5.0 (Hard-fighting Hunt) of the Open Simulation Interface standard. This is the third full release of Open Simulation Interface under the ASAM umbrella.

The release features numerous backward-compatible extensions, including new logical lanes, support for traffic command update backchannel, enhanced environmental conditions, and enhanced documentation. It includes many other enhancements and alignments across OpenX standards.

The release can be downloaded from the OSI GitHub pages.

OSI Release 3.4.0

ASAM e.V. has released version 3.4.0 (Gallant Glock) of the Open Simulation Interface standard. This is the second full release of Open Simulation Interface under the ASAM umbrella.

The release features numerous backward-compatible extensions, including support for Flatbuffer encoding, data volume reductions in SensorView messages by omitting static information, and support for in-vehicle data communications. It includes many other enhancements and alignments across OpenX standards.

The release can be downloaded from the OSI GitHub pages.

OSI Release 3.3.1

ASAM e.V. has released version 3.3.1 (Fabulous Fangio Update 1) of the Open Simulation Interface standard. This is the first full release of Open Simulation Interface under the ASAM umbrella.

The release features numerous backward-compatible extensions, including added support for traffic participant modeling, as well as many other enhancements and alignments across OpenX standards.

The release can be downloaded from the OSI GitHub pages.

Pegasus Symposium 2019

The federally supported German research project PEGASUS has presented its core results during the PEGASUS Symposium 2019 held at the VW proving grounds at Ehra, Germany.

As a sub-contractor for some of the PEGASUS participating companies, with a special focus on definition and standardization of simulation interfaces, like OSI or OSMP, we are very happy to see the ideas of PEGASUS come to fruition in such a convincing manner.

ARD Tagesthemen news report